Finn Sheep

The Finn Herd
6 Adult sheep at present: Fred, Coconut, Audrey, Alice, Tony and Arthur
Starting with our Registered Finn Ram, Frederick, He remains the intact sire of our herd. Then there is Tony, with the most gorgeous fleece, a wether. We have Arthur, also a wether with white fleece. Coconut keeps Fred company and is his favorite girl. Audrey and her daughter Alice have beautiful white high quality fleece. We sold out our fleece last year on Etsy.
We had 11 lambs this past spring. We sold most of the lambs and 2 of our ewes. We kept the ewes with the nicest fleece and the nicest easy going personalities, being Audrey and Alice. We also kept Arthur, also from Audrey and Fred.
The group is so friendly and they love to have the hay brushed off their fleece. They get jealous and crowd in to have a turn.

Finn Fleece
Finn Fleece
You can be assured of memory with this beautiful fleece. Remember the sweater that dragged down with wear? No so with Finn Fleece which has incredible memory and bounce back.