Finnegan is 18 years old, a registered quarterhorse. He is good with all ages. He has a mechanical mind and can unlatch the door if the hook is not on.

Finn and Colonel Sanders
Horse Rides
One hour is $15. One hour of horse time includes brushing , leading, getting the horse to know you, tacking up, riding, and taking off tack , giving treats and grazing. I earned my PATH Certification, with course exams, and a 6 month apprenticeship with children, and a horse arena test. PATH stands for Professional Association for Therapeutic Horsemanship. Our horse time is very low key, with safety as a priority. Children must be 4 years of age, and riders must have health insurance. A waiver of responsibility is signed at the time of the appointment. Finnegan is well mannered, but still, he is a horse. He does his best when he is in a weekly mode of having a weekly rider for lessons. He likes to show us " I can do this". I ride him around the property, and he likes to do trail rides with other horses. He will go over water, carefully over or around logs, and he loves to trot. With children the ride is a controlled lesson in the ring. All ages are welcome.