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Goodbye Charlie Brown


He was just the best pony, and the only pony I ever had. some Shetland ponies are known for being ornery, but Charlie was very sweet, a quick learner at using the cart, and had a nice personality. The cold snap brought on a bad reocurrence of Laminitis. He got sicker over the next 2 weeks despite medication, not eating, not walking, and the vet felt he might colic, so he was put down on the coldest day of the year. To keep him safe from coyotes, we left him on a pallet inside the fenced paddock covered with a tarp. Finnegan and the cow paid their respects, with Finn tapping his hoof on Charlie like trying to say "get up". Finn is sad, too. Two days later Anthony came with the excavator, used an ice pick to break through the frost and snow, and gave Charlie a proper burial in the field.

I am so sad to lose him, and he was only here 2 years.

It remains cold and very windy. Not much else going on right now.

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