We do not know why, but two of our March 6 lambs died within a month of each other. Same symptoms: both lambs got weaker, would not run out with the adults to the pasture, stayed in a corner, stopped eating and then gone. We lost the first a month ago, now the second this past week. All adults are healthy, so it does not appear to be an infection, and both were from the same birth.
On a happier note, Charlie Brown is doing well, seems to have resolved his laminitis. However, as vets do, he was tested and is diagnosed with Cushing's and he has a high insulin. He looks like he feels well, and he is eating well. He is in a separate stall so I can really tell how much he eats, or whether Finn has polished off his food. Finnegan is quite healthy, and has had 2 riders on a weekly basis this summer, a 6 year old and a 12 year old. I rode him tonight on our woods path and in the field. I love that guy so much, he just makes my day better. He does a "smile" for our guests to give him a treat. This is a trick our barn girl taught him, and he smiles when he is hungry and out of hay. He can undo the latch on the outside door in 20 seconds to get back into the stall when I am trying to clean out. He bosses the cow out of his stall, and Charlie bosses the cow, but they all get along.
Bruce and I are doing well. We have had a lot of guests this summer. This September we have had guests from Missouri, California, Minnesota, and Wisconsin just this month alone. Great people those mid-westerners! A few people currently farm in the midwest, others have grown up on farms, and share their stories. The farms out there are BIG!
We did the Waldoboro town wide yard sale today and this past July. It makes it easy, no advertising to do, and it is fun.
The sheep were sheared last week, but we could not lure Tony in so he got sheared the other day. The fleece is beautiful, and should make nice roving. Two friends from my spinning group came over for Fiber Sunday and we played with food colors and dyed some yarn.
To all of you who love animals and fresh air, stay outdoors as much as possible. Be hopeful and optimistic and good things will come your way.